Ever wondered how anime is produced? Then you came to the right place. In this article I will explain how anime is made from start to finish.
I’ll try to provide as much information as possible without boring you with too many details. However, it’s not all that simple. You see, there are a few different processes involved and it varies from studio to studio.
The steps outlined below are based on my own observations of the production process in the studio where I work and on personal e-mails exchanged with studios in Japan. In my case we have an in-house animation team that does most of the key animation (the actual drawing) as well as background art and color design.
We also have an in-house photography/film team that handles camera work (motion), editing, film recording and color processing. The actual key animation is done by freelancers (for example, I do it part time). But there are more exceptions than rules so don’t be surprised if things are different at your favorite studio.
Your average Japanese anime production consists of several stages: Pre-production — planning, designing characters and backgrounds, writing scripts and storyboards, scheduling and budgeting Production — recording voices, photography (drawing), editing Post-production — [SRC]
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